Can I Give You a Hug?

July 28, 2010 in Affirmations, Beauty, Featured, Health & Wellness, Love, Self-Discovery Exercises, Spiritual, Unity & Oneness by Tara

vector art manipulated by: tara dipetrillo

I love hugging people. It feels so good to shower someone with Love and a deeper connection. Lots of times we just say hello to someone or shake their hand. What if we hug everyone we come into contact with? That would be ONE very loving world. Now, I understand we may see a lot of people throughout the day. I mean, at least hugging everyone we talked to. Just thinking about it feels good. Ok, some of you may squirm at the thought of it. You may have a hard time hugging even one person. And that is ok. I’d like to help those of you crack open here. Let’s all start right now with hugging ourselves. I’m serious. HUG YOURSELF RIGHT NOW!


YES! πŸ™‚


How did that feel? If it feels really good, then fabulous! Keep up the momentum! And if it feels weird, uncomfortable, you didn’t like it or if you didn’t even do it, then all the more reason you should do it. I’m happy you are here. It’s going to get a little more challenging now.


practicing what i preach. i bumped into katie at the grocery store and we gave each other a happy hug. photo:courtney christopherson

I have an exercise for you all to do, including myself. It starts with hugging yourself. The Love begins right there, with you. Next, I’d like you to hug the next person you come into contact with (a coworker, family member, cashier, etc). Let them know what you are doing. Invite them to do the exercise with you. You will create a bond with that person and suddenly you are both on a mission together. Peaceful Warriors. Continue on to the next person you see, and so on. Throughout the day take some notes on your experience(s). What did it bring out in you? How did the other person react? If you feel that someone is not welcoming to your hug offer, please do not feel rejected or discouraged. There is something within that person that is resisting the intimacy, it has nothing to do with you. They may not know how to react and receive. That does not mean your connection was unappreciated. Let it go and move on to the next person/thing. I know you will be appreciated and make someones day. Especially your own.


There is a man, Juan Mann who started a project called “Free Hugs“. I saw this video 3 years ago and I thought, “That’s me! I see myself in him”. And some time after that I learned about Amma “the hugging Saint”. When I learned of her I thought, “That’s me too! I do that!”. You don’t have to be Juan Mann or Amma, be yourself! It all starts with you. As Ghandi’s motto rolls off my tongue, “Be the change you with to see in the world”, I encourage you to make a difference. Create a loving world. Hug someone today.

hugging the cashier, victor (a champ and gentleman), after he strolled out the groceries for me. photo: courtney christopherson

Let’s all welcome in the heart to heart hugs today. This is a perfect way to practice the art of giving and receiving. Leave the handshakes at home for now. Splurge and engage in a group hug!


Please feel free to hug animals, trees, the earth, the mailbox, the car….anything goes. Pass it on! And please share some of your experiences and pics with us here. Happy Hugging! OxOxO


Beauty From Love: “I know that through hugging others on a daily basis, I will ignite the love within us to spread across the world.”


With a big warm embrace,

Tara πŸ™‚