Namaste and Welcome!
I had placed Beauty From Love on the back burner for some time while I was focusing on one of my other passions; my makeup career. I feel that I am now coming to a place of balance between the two, where they will play in harmony. I sure have missed writing and sharing uplifting stories and content with you and wish to take things even further this time around. What a joyous playground this is turning into!
Beauty From Love is now undergoing a new look so please bear with me while I continue to work on the website and get everything in motion. It may end up looking a little different over here from day to day – a dash of proof that things are always changing. The thought of taking the site down during this process was really not an option because I have so many fabulous things to share with you. I figured keeping it up and running is more important than the glitz and glam. Thank you kindly for your patience while this is happening!
With an Abundance of Love, Light & Laughter,
Tara DiPetrillo