Beauty From Love is Back!
April 15, 2013 in Spiritual by Tara
Hello Beautiful Creatures!!
Namaste and Welcome!
I had placed Beauty From Love on the back burner for some time while I was focusing on one of my other passions; my makeup career. I feel that I am now coming to a place of balance between the two, where they will play in harmony. I sure have missed writing and sharing uplifting stories and content with you and wish to take things even further this time around. What a joyous playground this is turning into!
Beauty From Love is now undergoing a new look so please bear with me while I continue to work on the website and get everything in motion. It may end up looking a little different over here from day to day – a dash of proof that things are always changing. The thought of taking the site down during this process was really not an option because I have so many fabulous things to share with you. I figured keeping it up and running is more important than the glitz and glam. Thank you kindly for your patience while this is happening!
As I write this to all of you, I am sitting in an RV taking a journey around the West Coast. One of those magical things that happen in life when you surrender and allow your dreams to come true and life to happen. The universe will shine many paths your way, glaring much light over signs to follow down those paths. Be sure to pay attention. It’s amazing what we will find! I’m truly learning to really listen to my intuition and how I feel in every situation. Everyday I am loving, opening up to who I really am, growing and even tripping at times and standing back up. With all this excitement, how could I not serve all these delicious, magical life experiences with you… NOW???
Beauty From Love is a place I created to thrive with you as a loving universal consciousness and like ourselves, it will continue to evolve and grow. Please feel free to look around at some of the new things. You will see on the sidebar trailers for conscious films dubbed, “Movie of the Month”, positive music featured in, “Song of the Week” and inspiring talks and videos under, “Inspirational”. All of these will be back logged so you can check them out at any time. Blog posts and vlogs with continue circulate by me as well as guest bloggers sharing their inspirational stories. A community forum will be up and running where we can all come together and share our thoughts, ideas and even images. Art will be available to view and purchase. You can even order a custom Affirmation Painting with a mini reading by me (done in different modalities, depending on what shows up with us when we connect) where we explore what it is in life you wish to create! I will also be offering many services as a Raw Food Coach and posting helpful tips and heavenly recipe ideas (for a vegan and vegetarian “cooked” lifestyle as well). You will still be able to find many Free Personal Self-Discovery Exercises on the site – inspiring your growth and love. Many more treats are in store for you and once they are fully formed I will be happily sharing them with you!
Thank you for connecting with me and everyone here. I’m excited about what we are creating together in this heart space. If you ever have any requests, ideas or a story, person, place, thing, etc. you feel I need to know about (and write about), please reach out to me. Even if you simply want to say hello, go for it! Please! I encourage you! I love meeting new people and making friends.
With an Abundance of Love, Light & Laughter,
<3 right back at’cha, Jo! 🙂