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LIFE is a gift. Accept it!
I feel when we treat Life like the special gift that it is and accept ALL of it’s abundant treasures, we have a more nurturing and fullfilling experience being alive. The opposite of that can be a life we take advantage of, expect, resist and one where we do not stop and smell those roses
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Tara’s Tasty Treasures: #3 – “Whine Not”, Juice
It’s a bloody good day to be alive! So stop whining! Haha. Ok, maybe YOU are not whining. Sure sounds funny though and I’m sure someone needed to hear that. I know it does me well to hear that at times. :giggles: Here is an early evening snack in the yard to get my juices
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7 Things You Should Do Everyday
1. BE THANKFUL – Wake up appreciating what you have and continue to appreciate your prosperity, not lack. If you are alive, you have something to be thankful for. What you focus on becomes your reality. How would you like to live today? It’s your choice. Be thankful for goodness sake! 2.
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Writing a Love Letter… Yourself! : A Few Ideas on What to Do and What to Say.
Have you ever written a love letter? Poured your heart out to someone to let them know about all the loving feelings you have for them? Tell them how amazingly beautious they are? And that they smell oh so yummy? Have you ever received a love letter? One that made you all warm and fuzzy
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Bringing Back the “Letters of Appreciation: Beauty From Love’s 365 Day Challenge”
Greetings perfect beings! I hope you are emersed in bliss and ready to celebrate the New Year! I will be heading up to the mountains to attend a Kitan & Ecstatic Dance Ceremony hosted by Sangita Devi at the Laughing Waters Retreat Center. “The Kirtan will flow into an interactive group ceremony to create intention
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