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There’s No Place Like My Sweet Traveling Home!
Beauty From Love: “I’m so thankful today for the infinite places I am blessed to wake up to and call home.” With an Abundance of Love, Light & Laughter, Tara

Is Unschooling aka “Hackschooling” For You?
Do you feel like our school systems are in the Stone Age? What if learning was individually catered to you and not the masses? Have you ever though of different ways to learn and experience life? What if there were no rules or tests to tell you that you were inadequate? What if your individuality
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Tara’s Traveling Tips: How to Treat a Public Toilet
I am struck with compassion people. I must speak out for all of the toilets out there who have no voice of their own. I’m going to bet that you, the person reading this right now, has had a bad public bathroom experience. Stinks, doesn’t it? Well I’m here to unite us for the love
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Tara’s Tasty Treasures: #3 – “Whine Not”, Juice
It’s a bloody good day to be alive! So stop whining! Haha. Ok, maybe YOU are not whining. Sure sounds funny though and I’m sure someone needed to hear that. I know it does me well to hear that at times. :giggles: Here is an early evening snack in the yard to get my juices
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Tara’s Tasty Treasures: #2 – Pinana Smoothie
photos and artwork by: Tara DiPetrillo Good day to you! I have been cleansing for the past 2 weeks, starting out my morning with a fresh smoothie. That’s pretty much my normal routine anyhow, even when I’m not cleansing. It’s a great way to start the day. Here’s a look at what I made
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