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Writing a Love Letter… Yourself! : A Few Ideas on What to Do and What to Say.
Have you ever written a love letter? Poured your heart out to someone to let them know about all the loving feelings you have for them? Tell them how amazingly beautious they are? And that they smell oh so yummy? Have you ever received a love letter? One that made you all warm and fuzzy
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Celebrating Life and Mourning Death. Simultaneously?
(this article has been posted a day late. Note when referencing to days) I woke up the other morning, on my birthday, with a panic in my heart. Anxiety was present. I looked out the bedroom window to greet the day, that had yet to be blessed with the light of the suns
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You Make a Difference
The other morning I took a walk, looking at everything with fresh eyes. I felt intoxicated by the day and all it’s beauty. I experienced nature talking to me and responding to my awareness. It’s a beautiful place to be, in that flow with all that is. Here’s a glimpse of what I experienced….
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Life is Beautiful
Life is Beautiful. Embrace it. – I’ve made it a habit to recognize the beauty in life. Taking the time to notice the “little things”, like the way the breeze flirts with the trees and shuffles the leaves, making the trees come alive. They appear to be waving at me many times over, with
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Smile! It’s Contagious.
Have you ever walked down the street and smiled at someone, and they smile back? Or vice versa? It really is contagious. Most of the time we all smile back. On occation someone may not smile back. (We may not even smile back.) That doesn’t mean you didn’t touch their day. Their reflexes could
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