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Bringing Back the “Letters of Appreciation: Beauty From Love’s 365 Day Challenge”
Greetings perfect beings! I hope you are emersed in bliss and ready to celebrate the New Year! I will be heading up to the mountains to attend a Kitan & Ecstatic Dance Ceremony hosted by Sangita Devi at the Laughing Waters Retreat Center. “The Kirtan will flow into an interactive group ceremony to create intention
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Could Art Change the World? Inside Out?
INSIDE OUT: a large-scale participatory art project that transforms messages of personal identity into pieces of artistic work. A collaboration between the artist JR, the TED Prize and you! Can Art really change the world? Sure. Why not? Being an artist myself – I’d like to think it does. Being a viewer
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You Make a Difference
The other morning I took a walk, looking at everything with fresh eyes. I felt intoxicated by the day and all it’s beauty. I experienced nature talking to me and responding to my awareness. It’s a beautiful place to be, in that flow with all that is. Here’s a glimpse of what I experienced….
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Smile! It’s Contagious.
Have you ever walked down the street and smiled at someone, and they smile back? Or vice versa? It really is contagious. Most of the time we all smile back. On occation someone may not smile back. (We may not even smile back.) That doesn’t mean you didn’t touch their day. Their reflexes could
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Letters of Appreciation: Beauty From Love’s 365 Day Challenge
Hello beautiful creatures! I hope this post finds you happy today. If not, please know you are the one with the power to change that. I AM feeling fabulous! Thanks for asking. 😉 I’m on day #17 of a raw food, smoothie, juice cleanse. And while rummaging in the kitchen, concocting a cleanse-o-rific smoothie, my
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